Author: Melvarot63


We are allowed to watch a film on the couch, too. Sometimes you want to see something that has nothing to do with illness. Escape to another world. But it can also do you good if a film succeeds in showing a story that portrays the way chronic diseases are dealt with.

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Lost Trust

Why am I telling you this? After all it is not something easy to talk about.
Sometimes there are stories that make life difficult for us. It is important to realize this and if possible address them, for our own sakes.

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Forest bathing is healing

You use all five senses to make a connection with nature and clear your mind.  It´s called Forest Bathing. It´s preventative medicine, not a treatment. And that´s what you do, bathe in the atmosphere of the trees, the other plants, the clean air, the scents and listen.

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