"Pain is weakness leaving the body." Popular mantra of runners. Sometimes quoted by therapists.

According to that, I'm really weak!

Men are not supposed to have pain

You can find this saying on T-shirts, on Pinterest and in many other places. It is taught to boys. Men don't have pain (to have!) Men don't go to the doctor either. They can also have fibromyalgia and other pain disorders, but they often don't show up in statistics, and are not recorded. They are in the dark figure. That's why they say that diseases like fibromyalgia primarily affect women. Do we know? Don't get me wrong. I am not advocating making a drama out of every little incident. But often the opposite happens, especially with men. That's what they learned as boys. If you have ailments and admit it, you(N) are weak and will not be considered for the important competitions in life, so "Shut up!"

Actually our body is trying to tell us something

"Pain is weakness leaving the body." This tempts us not to listen to signals and not to pay attention to ourselves. Because pain is only weakness.....

When women in pain go to the doctor, they are often seen not only as weak, but as drama queens who can't get their act together.

If someone has been exercising, has spent a lot of energy, it can cause pain. Here the saying may be appropriate. But you cannot apply it to all kinds of pain.

Pain is an important signal from the body that something is not going right. If we don't listen to it, the pain can become chronic. Accepting that something is wrong and seeking help are signs of strength not weakness.

I don't believe that pain is weakness. On the contrary, it takes quite a lot of strength to function to some extent even though you are in pain. Click to tweet

So this saying gets a red flag from me!

Wellness equals strength?

We live in a culture in which wellness equals strength. People my age do cross-fit and triathlon, even run marathons. And that's good. It can't be the standard for everyone though.

It is suggested: You are only good if you have achieved your six-pack abs with torturous training. I don't mean that every form of training has to be torturous. No, but nowadays fitness instructions often have names like:

I always had difficulties with sports, although I always wanted to "be there". I now know what contributed to it. Because it was difficult for me, I felt weak. But I remember a match-saving goal I scored in hockey. The others cheered me, not least because they didn't think I could do it. I went to a convent school. We had PE lessons every day, sometimes twice a day. There were no excuses. Sometimes I got a B+, depending on the sport. Often it said "Dawn works very hard". Here, that would mean Dawn worked very hard, which is more like a 5-6. But that was seen differently there. I did sports regularly later on, but it was never that I was sporty.

There is a difference between being in pain because you have exercised excessively and being in pain and finding a way to exercise even though you are in pain. Very exhausting is both. Click to tweet

Pain is not weakness. Even in the face of great pain we can find comfort and peace within ourselves. https://shamethepain.de/sei-wie-eine-schneeglocke/ This ability comes from strength not weakness.

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